Why WOULD Colin Powell lie to the UN? When he knew it was a lie; by SoFlaJet Randi Rhodes has a theory and it's one that I also buy into. Right around the time that Bush was saying that the UN had to put their cards on the table(note the cowboy-ism)Aid for African AIDS epidemic $$$$ was also on the table.The deal was essentially this:General Colin Powell would have to "sell" Iraq to the UN before Bush would throw him the African support bone and sign a bill to fund it.It was an expensive bone.So Powell goes to the UN and sells his soul figuring a cause such as this may still get him into heaven-(good outweighing the bad and all).So he holds his nose and does it.But,Bush reneges on the Africa deal(probably citing budgetary constraints)and the funding never does come down .Powell realizes he has gotten screwed,is pissed off.He has just gotten..."The Treatment" Think of all the other programs that have gotten the G.W. Bush "treatment".For appearances sake there is a ceremony in the rose garden with all the pomp and circumstance of a bill signing.Smiling victorious republicans (and maybe a Dem or two around like say a Lieberman or a Zell Miller)abound.But,when push comes to shove the money for funding the bill never shows up in the GAO's budget,it just ain't there,and never was gonna be there.The only things that matter to the Bush team are requests earmarked for some weapons or military programs or corporate give aways like the Medicaid drug and insurance give away.Big time contributors,like the silly-named Pioneers or Rangers Bush/Cheney campaign donors. The Bigwigs. Note;the No Child Left Behind act is just that,an act it's a perfect example of the Bush/Cheney/Rove treatment.Still use the slogan,but never EVER fund it.This is why Powell is looking old and angry these days.He KNOWS these people now,they've shown their true colors;red and green and black.Red is for all the blood HIS military brothers and sisters are spilling unjustly.Green's for all they money they can steal from the treasury or scam their supporters to give back after they get them their perks.And finally the blacks is the color of their hearts and the color they cite when they point to him and Condi's skin to try and tell us they care about minorities(but won't help African AIDS victims.Oh yea it's also the color of the oil which is making them richer and richer and bleeding our pockets from our lunch money every day.Exactly why Powell hasn't left is the mystery to me.Perhaps he's still holding out some faint hope that they actually still have some integrity somewhere deep inside.Some compassion from the so-called compassionate conservatives.Hey wait a minute wasn't African AIDS just in the news again the other day?Could it have been put there with the knowledge of say a certain Secretary of States appearance on a highly rated Sunday talk show?HMMMMM just wondering... and as for compassion part of the compassionate conservatism sorry to tell ya General they don't got it in them.....