A study performed by Sara Konrath, Norbert Schwarz (University of Michigan) and Brian P. Meier (North Dakota State University) shows that seeing Bush's face causes aggression, regardless of one's party affiliation.
*In four studies we found:
a) automatic associations between
President Bush and aggressive
b) more perceived aggressiveness in
ambiguously described targets and
more aggressive behavior toward a
stranger after seeing President Bush,
especially for Liberals
*In Study 1 people responded significantly
faster to aggressive, and slower to helpful,
words after exposure to President Bush
*This occurred regardless of political
*In Study 2 however, two Presidents from
opposing political parties were randomly
presented to participants
*This likely made people’s political
identities more salient
*As a result, Democrats responded quickly
to aggressive words after seeing President
Bush, while Republicans responded more
quickly to helpful ones
http://www.sitemaker.umich.edu/skonrath/files/aps_political_primes.pdfAFAIK the full report is on the APS member site.