One of my friends has a husband who has become obsessed with Libertarianism and the Republican party over the last year or so.
Whenever we're together, he feels obliged to talk politics with me and I have to politely steer the conversation away to something else in order to keep the peace. We've butted heads a few times over his asinine comments, but it's been relatively subdued.
He has recently joined a young Republicans club, which puts out a newsletter for which he is a contributing writer. A few months back, he wrote a review of Hillary Clinton's "It Takes a Village" (pretty timely, huh? ;)) and described it as a "blueprint for disaster" in the same vein as "Mein Kampf". For some reason, he decided I would enjoy reading this dreck and sent me the article in an email.
Disgusted, I discreetly told his wife (my good friend) that I didn't really share his views and that I thought painting Hillary as the reincarnation of Hitler was way off the mark. I didn't want to ruin a friendship because my friend's husband is a Republican shill.
However, her husband just contacted me again...with an article blasting John Kerry. From his inspired prose:
Men such as John Kerry, with their Big Plans and egos to match, are a danger because they desire more power than is allowed by our Constitution, they desire a degree of power to be concentrated in their hands as to make government a tangible danger to our liberty and happiness. That's why, like all "activist" politicians, Mr. Kerry considers the Constitution -- which protects us from attack by severely limiting government power -- as an inconvenience, something to occasionally say nice things about then otherwise ignore. John Kerry, with his Big Plan, out-sized ego, and the tyranny of good intentions, would take America that much further down the road to serfdom. I am beyond furious right now. This guy has every right to his opinions (no matter how delusional), but when I've asked to be spared from having them sent to me...well...maybe I just need to call him up and say "Hey, buddy, stop sending me this shit!"
If you would like to read more from Bizarro world, look here and join me in my rage: