Does anyone have some good facts to bolster this argument? Let's make sure the truth gets out during the Regan love fest. It's like a negative TV ad: if you let it pass, people will think Reagan was a great president who saved us from communism, blah, blah, blah.
Here's my take. I hope this is not news to anyone. All DUers should know what total failures Reagan and Bush I were in the foreign policy area:
Through his inordinate fear of communism and love to demagogue the issue, Reagan ignored what was really going on in the world and never thought of the consequences of his anti-Soviet campaign. (I'm thinking of the support of the Taliban and other Jihadists in Afghanistan when they were fighting the Soviets, then abandoning the country.) His failure to seek out the terrorists who killed our Marines in Lebanon gave many the idea that America could be easily intimidated by terror.
Bush (the elder) is lauded as a great foreign policy president with his masterful performance during the Gulf War. But the things that stick out to me are his INVITATION to Saddam t invade Kuwait (Amb. Glasby's message to Hussein, DOD or State dept. news conference declaring a lack of defense pacts w/Kuwait.) plus his failure to win the end game against Saddam (allowing helicopter gun ships to return to Iraq, calling on Iraqis to rise up (which they did, and he did nothing as Saddam slaughtered them.) Finally, leaving a large force in the Middle East to irritate the Wahabis.