Another Gore-hating hipster who has it all psychoanalyzed and attributed to White Males who aren't getting laid.
The wretched truth is that America is an erogenous no man's land. Most white males here (at least the straight ones) have either dismal sex lives or no sex lives at all. As bad as this hurts, the pain is compounded every time you expose yourself to the cultural lies that await you at every turn—that is, every waking hour and during deep REM sleep, when the subliminal messages kick in. This wretchedness leads to a desire for vengeance, to externalize the inner famine—it leads directly to the Republican camp.
And what a shame. Mark Ames put a lot of insight into his review, but then tarted it up, an über-cool urban pig with lipstick (and mirrorshades, of course).
What is it with white male urban hipsters that they hate white male non-urban non-hipsters -- and have a fascination with their supposedly miserable sex lives? Is it the realization that within ten years, they will become the very ghosts they see when the lights are out?
I haven't had sex in quite a long time. I do not consider it to be emblematic of political decay, and it hasn't forced my politics to the right. Ames associates it with the desire for vengeance, but his review is tumescent with the same poison he writes about. Mark Ames has gazed into the abyss, and a balding, overweight, impotent, un-cool
tulpa wearing his face gazed back.
Thomas Frank? That's a
different story ... and for all his own shortcomings, I still enjoy Frank's writing. With or without sex.
Abyss-lost, overweight, impotent, un-cool, but I do have a good head of hair.