can't remember the last time I heard a Bush administration official talk about Iraq, without referring to terrorism. The WMD and "imminent threat" lies have been fully refuted, so now Team Bush is pushing the "al Qaeda ties" lie.
"Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other plans - this time armed by Saddam", said Bush in the State of the Union speech in 2003. Just this week, Cheney said that "Saddam had long established ties with al-Qaeda". Bush defended that statement.
Remember, it was Cheney who had the nerve to say, "It's not surprising that the American people make that connection", when referring to the fact that a majority of Americans now believe there is a Hussein-al Qaeda connection.
The Bush administration has even tried to blur the line between the two, by only offering a single military award to the troops that fought in both the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Sorry troops, but Bush's lie is more important than your awards.
In spite of the lies of Bush and Cheney, both recent, and farther in the past, the 9-11 commission concluded that there, "was no evidence Iraq and al-Qaeda had a collaborative relationship." In fact, the commission said Iraq had ignored bin Laden's request to establish training camps in Iraq and for help in obtaining weapons.
Last fall, Cheney claimed that Mohammad Atta had met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official a few months before the attacks.
The 9-11 commission concluded that the meeting never took place.
In spite of all of the conclusions of the 9-11 commission, the Republicans are keeping up the charade. Bush said on Tuesday that Zarqawi was "the best evidence of connection to al Qaeda". "Saddam's support for terrorism and his association with al Qaeda have been documented", said Bush campaign spokesman Ken Mehlman.
It's amazing how Republicans can just keep repeating something over and over, and they and their sheep just continue to believe all of their own bullsh*t, in spite of all the facts to the contrary.