Why We Need Martial LawCriminal Government Is Destroying America -
Military Must Step In To Restore The Constitution
By John Kaminski
Our government is out of control. The elections are rigged. The Congress is completely bought off. The White House administration is a gang of criminals who are stealing the nation blind. There is no proper accountability from any department of government. And the United States is conducting two major wars, irresponsibly squandering the lives of our young people, for reasons that everyone in the world knows are lies.
Be clear about this: no government official, nor any major media outlet, is objecting to two wars the United States is conducting that everyone knows the reasons for are lies. Tens of thousands of people have been killed for lies, and no one in a position of public responsibility is condemning it.
America has become a nation of monstrously perverted mass murderers. And if you're an American and are not condemning it, then you are complicit in it. You're supporting needless mass murder, you pig!
People are being jailed for no reason, illegally tortured while in custody and deprived of due process. Innocent families around the world are being humiliated and killed for no legitimate reason. Our law enforcement apparatus - corrupt courts and cops - are failing to stop obvious crimes committed by the very rich, and assaulting ordinary citizens trying in a lawful manner to protest these injustices. . .
From Ted Twietmeyer
1. I have never disagreed with any of John's articles, until now. Here are the reasons I give, some of which have already appeared in a some of my past essays: . . .
From Jean Gordon
I fully agree and applaud you for this wonderfully explicit work of journalism. It's hard to resist the need to put things in black and white, especially when it becomes clear that THEY thrive on "incrontrovertable confusion!" . . .
All of the above can be found in its entirety at:
I'm posting this because I found the initial post and its followup comments to be an interesting read. I'm still ruminating on their meaning and have come to no final conclusion at this time.