I think that Bill Clinton's Book "My Life", and more importantly the media coverage around it, will in fact not only help John Kerry, but the millions of swing voters make up their mind's on Bushco. It's a brilliant tactic, even without a balanced punditry discussing it on cable.
Why? Because it allows people to compare and contrast Clinton to Bush. Not only lies and manipulation but the humanity of both of them. It allows people to remember and examine BOTH their records. It allows for those whom really don't remember, to now examine both their records. It runs the gambit from personality to policy.
The news flow does not stop from discussing Clinton's personal failures to lieing about Monica (funny how the wig nuts don't discuss policy much but just focus and seethe about Clinton personally), soldiers keep on dying in Iraq with no end in sight, while Iraq remains in Chaos. The 9/11 commission rebuts Bushco catching them in an act of manipulation, events are starting the heat up on the PLame outing again, the memo that says Bush has the right to side-step the constitution, Ken Lay (good old Kenny Boy, about to be strung up), etc..............
Most peoples minds are made up about Clinton, but not about Bush, since he our present. Bushco's lies and manipulations will become even more distinct, blowing away the MYTH of Buscho's integrity, the MYTH that the right-wing are morally superior to the left.
The book also calls out the Clinton haters and will "expose them" to more people for the seething hateful hypocrites they really are. Bush Haters vs. Clinton Haters, everyone will remember how rabid the wig nuts were in the 1990's.
Yes, it's a minor distraction but it is a good one. "My Life" and "Fahrenheit 9/11" at around the same time, an upper-cut followed by a left hook, while the news flow highlights Bushco's mistakes coming to bite them back in the ass.