Although I agree with most of what you say here, I won't credit Savage with ruining words. The lunatic ravings of Savage are just offensive. Even on the rare occasion that I agree with something he says, I am offended by the way he says it. I agree that the Patriot act is Orwellian, but constantly rewriting what you say about war with Iraq is just politics as usual. Unfortunately, Republicans don't have a monopoly on that practice. I think that any plan to eliminate the word "alien" from our vocabulary when referring to neighbors is a good thing. Savage's opposition to anything nice could be considered Orwellian.
I am an armature writer, and as such I was drawn to your subject heading above. I hate it when society changes the meaning of a word. It limits the use of that word and gives me one less word to express my thoughts. The word Orwellian means what it means, no matter how Savage misuses it. In this case the Savage did not change the meaning of the word, that takes a lot more time and a much larger following than Savage will ever have. A word must be used in common practice with its new meaning before its real meaning is forgotten or disregarded.
There are a few words that this has happened to in my lifetime. Two in particular that come to mind are "queer" and "gay". Both are used to refer to a segment of the population that, while it certainly deserves its own words to describe it, certainly could have come up with words that would not be ruined for other uses in the process. To be fair, I think the word "queer" changed its meaning as a result of those who were looking for a derogatory term to refer to homosexuals. So I don't blame homosexuals for ruining that word. I guess I need to blame homophobes for that one. That just adds one more thing, among many, for which I blame homophobes. But the word is ruined none-the-less. Responsibility for ruining the word "gay" falls squarely on the shoulders of the homosexual community. And to be honest, I think it is not a good description of the people it is meant to describe. I happen to be acquainted with people from that segment of the population and I would say the word "gay" does not describe all or even a majority of them. Furthermore, I know straight people that I could describe with that word. I would also say that, as a general rule, homosexuals are intelligent, educated people. So why can't they refer to themselves by coining a new word.