(Sorry for the title. I wasn't sure what to have titled this one.)
Saw this today in “World O’ Crap” <
Reminded me of you-know-who. Wonder if Matt even considered who else might fit his descriptions?
“Matt's (referring to Matt Abbott, <
http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/abbott/040713>) column is called "The Evil That 'Kerryized' Men Do." It seems that Matt read an "interesting pro-life brochure entitled, 'Men Hurt Too,' which talks about the feelings and emotions men often experience after being involved in the procurement of an abortion." Matt has summarized some of these feelings and emotions for us:
"The most consistent and evident symptom in men due to loss of a child from abortion is anger (calling someone a major league asshole? Going “mano a mano” with dad?)
. . . . He may turn to alcohol and drugs (Oh, this is too easy.)
to dull the pain of knowing he participated in or was too 'weak' to prevent the death of his unborn baby (the stories are out there…!)
. . . . He may become a workaholic (Well, nobody's perfect. You can forget that one!)
to avoid contact with other people (Lack of live press conferences? Having the police corral the public into Free Speech zones?
. ... He may be unable to hold a job (Arbusto? Spectrum 7? Harken? Texas Rangers?…his current one!)
... or he may be an excessive risk taker. . . . {Men involved in abortion} become addicted to pornography and masturbation. . . . Some experiment with homosexuality because it allows them to have a relationship with no commitment and no worry of pregnancy. Other symptoms include sleeplessness, panic attacks, poor coping skills, flashbacks, nightmares, self-imposed isolation of suicidal tendencies." (Was the pretzel incident a cry for help?)”
“World O’ Crap had more comments on Matt’s column.
These are startling comparisons to the Guardian article of 02 Sept 2003 that refers to Bush’s “vomit-spattered face”, a man…"dangerously self-destructive… profound loathing for (his father who)…made (him) feel a failure….Rebelliousness… domineering mother…
studies show that boys with such mothers are at much higher risk of becoming wild, alcoholic or antisocial…". Hmmmm.
Here’s the link: <
And this one goes with it: <