Edited on Sat Jul-24-04 04:19 PM by ck4829
(*) - means the values are in conflict in some way (Moral, Ethical, etc.)
Personal Rights 1. Against Abortion 2. Against Euthanasia (*1) 3. For making sure all have rights to fire-arms (And that includes deranged maniacs)
States Rights 1. Supports Capital Punishment (*1 and 2 of Personal Rights)
Religious Rights 1. Supports having our children see the 10 commandments in every school 2. Supports having people see the 10 commandments in every courthouse in the country 3. But, they are against having to hear the call to prayer for Muslims and other prayers for other religions (*1 and 2)
Foreign Policy 1. Supports making sure every small and poor country with alleged nuclear weapons (and oil) gets blown up 2. Supports the various wars such as the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which unfortunately on purpose or on accident will sometime or another cause the death of Pregnant women (*1 of Personal Rights)
Domestic Policy 1. Some Republican Senators have said our nation is in grave danger. Why? Because of same-gender marriage. 2. Michael Moore must be stopped at all costs (Look up #1 and #2 of the religious rights area and then think about #2 of the domestic policy area, does anything seem slightly weird?)
Well, I think this is the Republican Party in a nutshell. If you have any other Republcian 'values', please add them.