Last Fall, I began posting on the Free Republic site, as I was very active in advocating for Terri Schindler Schiavo(the disabled Florida woman whose husband wants her g-tube pulled so that she can die and he can get on with life with a new woman that he already has 2 children with). I have 2 sons, one happens to be a disabled child - so, Terri's situation is close to my heart. I really didn't realize, at first, that Freepers is a Republican site. Anyway, I was absent for most of this year, as my disabled son had an extensive leg surgery last October, and this June 15th, he had the second part of his surgery, and now things are finally just getting back to normal. Anyway, I went back to the FR site, and made a posting regarding my feelings on the John Kerry abortion/Communion issue - basically, that although I am a Catholic, too, and although I do not support abortion myself, I was still voting for Kerry, and still taking Communion. I also mentioned my views on George Bush, etc... Well, all hell broke loose. I was called everything from a bad Catholic to a heretic (demon) to you name it. I couldn't believe how I was attacked on that site. They sent me photos of black cats and people being beheaded, etc... Real religious folks over there alright. What disturbed me perhaps even more, though, was that you couldn't reason with these people at all. They were so narrow and closed minded that I swear, if George W. told them all to hold hands and to jump a bridge together, they'd do it with no questions asked. In my opinion, this is how Hitler got away with exterminating the Jewish people in WW II - I could see how easily people can be brain washed, no longer having minds of their own or opinions of their own. Most of them thought that the war in Iraq was fine and dandy, although I tried to talk about "thou shalt not kill". Most of them said that the Democratic party was the most un-Godly, etc... party of politics. It's funny, but the Repubs always start the wars and the Dems have to finish them. The Dems are less judgemental, but are considered un-Godly for giving Americans free will in some cases. Nobody seemed to think that cutting benefits and aid to the disabled, elderly or veterans was a big deal either. How Christian-like to ignore the less fortunate, in my opinion. I could go on and on. I was known as: sisterjforteri over at Freepers. They may still have my postings on the site - I am not sure. They said my comments gave them the chills. Oh, well. In my last post to them, I finally told them what I thought of them. I said that I was glad that I was not one of them, with their mind sets and all. I would never vote Republican in my life after finding out firsthand how they really are. I am glad my parents raised me to be open minded about everything in life! I urge you to visit the following websites:,, and also to check out sites under: REX 84-FEMA and American Holocaust. I am not sure if some of the stuff is just propaganda, but it's certainly food for thought, and should be considered with this upcoming election. The Bush family has a connection with Hitler (Prescott Bush, the grandfather), and you probably know about the Bin Laden/Bush connection, too. Personally, if a true Christian thinks it's better to help usher in a one world government into the U.S.A., then God help us all!!!