If you haven't seen it recently...
click here. It's been bouncing around the Internet for about a week now. One of the lovable, Conservative goof-balls I work with actually printed it out and left it on my desk (I scored a 25.) It's boring here at work today, so I came up with this rebuttal "quiz." Feel free to pass around...
Test-takers get 6.25 points (whoa... decimals) for every statement they mark “YES”:
1. I’ve never once come close to entertaining the fleeting notion that, should I agree with a majority of a candidate’s positions, I might vote Democrat.
2. I believe a federal flat-tax on earned income is a swell way to distribute the tax burden.
3. I believe it a more impeachable crime for a sitting President to lie about receiving oral sex then it is to mislead his nation into war.
4. I didn’t vote for President-elect Gore in 2000.
5. I believe it is guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution that the superior reliability of an American-made, 27.6 lbs, 7.62 mm machine gun (with an effective range of 1,100 meters and 200-600 round-per-minute firing-rate) should be available to purchase by any psycho who has yet to be noticed by the police.
6. I want my tax dollars to support the voucher system… and help poor, underprivileged Muslim parents fund their child’s education at a private, fundamentalist Madrasa, which teaches Islamic theology and religious law, and typically includes a mosque.
7. I believe our children should discuss sex, contraception, pregnancy, AIDS, and STDs not in public schools, but at Walgreen’s while buying condoms before the big “boy-girl” sleepover.
8. Yo me opongo la educación bilingüe!
9. I support marriage - that wonderful institution where two consenting adults can proclaim their timeless and unwavering love for each other in front of their God, family, and friends – and all of the social, economic, and legal benefits that the wedded couple stand to reap… unless they’re, you know… queer or something.
10. Any government effort to help the poor (or the tired, the huddled masses, those yearning to be free, and/or the wretched refuse of teeming foreign shores) should be privatized.
11. I believe more racial profiling could have helped track down such notorious terrorists as Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
12. I eat potatoes.
13. When I think about the 3000+ killed on 9/11, and 900+ American soldiers and unknown thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths, I am comforted to remember that Saddam Hussein has been captured.
14. I fondly recalled the hazing I doled out at frat parties when I heard about Abu Graib.
15. I need some idiotic opportunist’s mediocre song to make me “proud to be an American.”
16. I’m incapable of making my own, informed decisions on social and political issues, and depend on FOX News to tell me what to think.