(clicked submit by mistake)
I live inside a broken, messy biological organism.
The thing I consider to be "me" is affected by its operations. I get cranky when it gets sick. I get
happy when it gives me a shot of certain
neurotransmitters (eg. dopamine and norepinephrine). My particular organism is broken because (according to some research) it does not deal correctly with seratonin and there are problems in the wiring having to do with socialization. I did not know this for a long time. To me, it was just "me". Now I know there are reasons why being around people it literally such a pain. God, the headaches.
In other threads we've been seeing about research saying that liberals have a different reaction in the (amdy-whatever it is) when confronted with pictures of violence(?). To them, it hurts. To Freepers, it doesn't.
For the purposes of keeping this to a manageable length, I'm going to engage in a bit of stereotyping. I'm going to clump into three groups - liberals, (old-school) conservatives and Freepers (fascists).
I believe one way of understanding them is not by what makes them tick, but what makes them hurt.
My mother can't stand being in places where I live. She says it hurts. The mess gets to her. She is also upset with my "lifestyle" mostly because it's non-Traditional. Nevertheless, she can understand why the traditional "lifestyle" just plain isn't going to work for me (I'm gay, I'm a musician, I'm an Aspie), nevertheless she recommends the old tried-and-true ways unless something breaks. She's what I call a "conservative". I feel her pain even if I don't experience it. She worked at her conservatism and I respect her for it even it won't work for me. To read about this kind of conservatism, have a look at
G. K. Chesterson. She makes her pain go away by cleaning my house and venting about my "lifestyle" (note, she makes the distinction between sexual orientation and flaming-queendom).