Edited on Thu Aug-26-04 10:42 AM by johnlal
Bush seems to be really good at using up peoples' credibility. Colin Powell was once very respected. In fact, he was eyed as presidential material. After his UN presentation on WMD's he has zero credibility with may at home and more internationally.
Alan Greenspan used to be a powerful voice in calming the rough seas of the economy. He was forced to toe the line on the Bush tax cuts, and he has lost credibility.
John McCain was a threat to Bush AND to the Democrats because of his appeal to the moderates on both sides of the aisle. He got even more points when he fought back against the smear campaign waged by Bush, calling him unpatriotic after having been a POW in Viet Nam, and serving his nation honorably. McCain denounced Bush for the Swiftboat scandal. However, now he appears at Bush rallies,and has even been photographed giving Bush a bear hug. Bush has scrapped McCain's credibility.
Bob Dole. Whatever you say about Bob Dole, we all had to concede he was a war hero. In WWII he was seriously injured, and even the most virulent lefty couldn't take that away from him. George Bush could, however. In falling into line with the Bush attack machine Dole opined (without independent knowledge, of course) that "Kerry never bled" in his service in Viet Nam. He was forced to stab a fellow veteran in the back. All credibility he ever had was gone in an instant.
US Veterans: Bush has even turned US Veterans against each other in this nasty political event. By turning out veterans, asking them to sign affidavits that they KNOW aren't true, and mixing them in with his cadre of liars, cheats and cutthroats, he is using up the credibility of our American Heros.
The whistle blowers and detractors. What about Joseph Wilson, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, John J. DiIulio Jr., the former head of Bush's faith-based policy office, Hans Blix, etc. Bush has mounted smear campaigns against these folks to undermine their credibility.
On edit: I forgot to mention one of the biggest of all, the Supreme Court of the United States. Sure, we knew that there were political hacks on the bench who had their own agendas. But the case of Bush v. Gore actually robbed the Supreme Court of its mantle of legitimacy.
Whose next? How many people are standing in line to be used, abused and discarded by this administration?