But they really didn't think Clinton was a factor, after all, Bush I had just won a popular war in Iraq, and everything was "fine" (Bush I lived in a real bubble, and didn't understand at all how the rest of America lived, so he didn't "get" it's the economy, stupid).
Also, Rove has learned how to smear better.
Plus, most damaging of all, they now have almost complete control of the media. CNN/FOX/and sometimes MSNBC are all on message. Anyone wonder how a stupid book plus a few hundred thousand dollar TV ad buy got SO MUCH airtime? Because the book was published by Scaife, and he doesn't care if it sells or how much it sells for. Hell, he would even organize bulk sales (using his own money) just to move the book up the bestseller lists. And the cable news outlets would play that ad once or twice every half hour FOR FREE. No wonder they point to how much the 527s have spent on the left versus how much the spend on the right. They don't have to spend more than one TV spot in a minor market... and it's off to the races with dozens and dozens of replays nationwide.
And a lie, repeated often enough, sticks. It's just the nature of people, sadly. "Where there is smoke there is fire", "Well, some of it must be true because so many good men are saying it" and so on. That's why Kerry isn't at 52 to Bush 42 right now. And while people SAY they like to see the candidates take the high road, over and over it's proven that the dirtiest can win, ESPECIALLY if the candidate himself is not the assassin. Which is why Kerry now needs to do the same AND MORE back to Bush.