Of course they are. President Clinton served two terms and I never heard anyone on the right treat him with respect just because he was President. If they had wanted to maintain the tradition of respect for the Presidency, they should have left that blue dress in the closet instead of dragging the whole country through the gutter. Instead they established a new tradition, that a President is just another person and the office doesn't require any special respect.
They claim it was different because Clinton lied, but Clinton only lied about a personal matter--Dubya lied about a matter of national security, about why he took the nation to war. That's a high crime and misdemeanor if I've ever heard one. When it comes to disrespect, they deserve to reap what they've sown.
But the same idiot claimed that the Rethugs hadn't disrupted the Democrat's convention with loud, noisy protests. No, they did something far worse. They, including a puke judge and a lot of aides to puke Congresscritters, held a loud, noisy protest outside the election board to stop the 2000 recount and disrupt the election process. They not only showed disrespect to the candidate who had actually won the majority vote, but they also showed disrespect to the electorate in general.
For supposedly religious people, those wingnuts don't appear to have ever heard of the Golden Rule. Their version is, "He who has the Gold, makes the rules." But the Bible they claim to believe says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of Heaven.
They lie, they steal, they torture and kill, they trample the Constitution, and then they have the gall to say that the people trying to restore democracy to this country are being "disrespectful." If they had a sense of humor that ever rose above racist, sexist, and scatological topics, I'd think they were joking.