Edited on Sat Sep-04-04 04:50 PM by Homer12
I put myself through Bush's acceptance speech, cringing at each manipulation and lie coming from his spitefull mouth in regards to the domestic laundry list.
Yet, when he got to Terrorsim and Iraq, I heard something that if moral and ethical conservatives and republicans were critically listneing should have scared the hell out of them (but they were to busy being hypnotized by the Nazi like display behined GW).
Bush said that he would DO, "Whatever is Takes" to protect the United States. This protectionist philosiphy has no Moral, Ethical, or Humansitic grounding. This POV woudl allow GW to do anything from pre-emptive nuk-lear strikes to out-right mass murder of american opposition in order to keep "...Merica" safe.
The other thing he said that should cause Moral & Ethical right-wingers to question is that is is moral & ethical to start a war in another country in order to keep our country safe, by turning the terrorist focus on our Soldiers in another country as targets rather than the Country itself.
This turns the American Military into a proxy target for the continental USA and instead of US civilians dying in our nation, innocent civilians in other nations will die as proxies for us.
All is needed is a little bit of critical thinking to realize that the neo-conservative and Bush Administration POV is completley ehticless and lacks any moral clarity when it comes to the War on terror. Doing whatever it takes to win and defeat the terrorists, is exactly what the terrorsists are doing to defeat the USA.
"At all costs and whatever it takes" No wonder why the world hates us.