Heard this on the Al Frankin Show so I thought I would check it out. With the typical Bush spin it is true but lets be honest - Home ownership has increased every year since 1965 (except for a dip during the presidency of Ronald Reagan).
From the Forbes Article:
The U.S. Census Bureau has been measuring home ownership rates since 1965. In the fourth quarter of that year, the home ownership rate was 63.4%. (The home ownership rate is defined as proportion of households that are owners.) The rate has risen slowly but steadily ever since. In the fourth quarter of 2003, the home ownership rate was 68.6%. In those 39 years, the home ownership rate went up 33 times.
This trend does not seem to be owing to any particular set of policies. U.S. policy, notably the mortgage interest tax deduction and the general ease of credit has long favored home ownership. The one era where home ownership decreased was, oddly enough, during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. When he took office, the home ownership rate was 65.6%. When he left the White House, it had fallen to 63.9%. This was despite falling interest rates.