MILWAUKEE - Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) sought to clarify explosive comments earlier this week that the "wrong choice" in November would risk another terrorist attack, and said Friday that he was "not in the business" of challenging Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites)'s patriotism.
"Whoever is elected president has to anticipate more attacks," he said in an interview published Friday in The Cincinnati Enquirer.
Explaining that he wanted to "clean up" a controversy, Cheney said a remark he made earlier this week — that "the wrong choice" in November could lead to another terrorist attack — did not mean the United States would be hit again as it was in 2001 if voters elected Kerry.
In the newspaper interview, Cheney said: "I did not say if Kerry is elected, we will be hit by a terrorist attack.
My point was the question before us is, will we have the most effective policy in place to deal with that threat? George Bush (news - web sites) will pursue a more effective policy than John Kerry." <snip>
Soooo, you
are saying that Kerry's policies will bring a new terrorist attack? Work with me, Dick. :eyes: