Edited on Sun Sep-19-04 08:32 AM by demo@midlife
...a fact that I had either overlooked or forgotten until I saw the MSNBC special about Kerry's leadership in the antiwar movement in 1972.
The program included audiotaped conversations between Nixon & Haldeman, Nixon & Kissinger, among others. Buchanan was mentioned regarding Nixon's use of John O'Neil to "destroy" Kerry as one of Nixon's perceived "enemies." And in what must be fairly recent interviews, Buchanan mentioned that Kerry didn't deserve forgiveness for his past antiwar views and actions, because Buchanan still holds the view that Nixon's Vietnam policies were right.
Too bad Buchanan can't admit that our actions in Iraq and in Vietnam have BOTH been disastrous for all countries involved.
Interesting sidebar, not completely off-subject: As Nixon's "Dirty Trickster," Charles Colson was placed in charge of his anti-Kerry campaign. Yesterday's program noted that, years later, Colson apologized to Kerry for his role in the smear campaign, although he declined MSNBC's request for comment - perhaps because of the obvious parallel to today's GOP smear campaign?
I wish the press would "press" Colson again about how Kerry was treated by a sitting president 30+ years ago, and viewers could draw their own conclusions.
On edit: rewording of title