Take the rise of Liberalism in the United States for example. It started with the temporary measures introduced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to help pull Americans out of the Great Depression. Gee, and I had always thought that progressive thought had been in place since the 1900s. Guess history was wrong.
Nazi's were Socialists. Liberals in America can't wait to implement the latest Socialist idea. Here's the thing about Socialism. Its a transition step. To reach true communism or true fascism, socialism is necessary. This is what Hitler had in mind. Besides, have you heard Bush talk about Iraq? Notice he wants, for all Iraqis, free health care and education? Sounds awfully socialist...
Nazi's used the education system to indoctrinate the young. Liberals in America use our once-objective institutions of higher learning to force-feed Socialist and Communist ideas to a largely unwilling audience. Here's the thing: Universities teach critical thinking skills. Critical thinking leads to analysis. Analysis leads to thinking for oneself. And that almost always leads to liberalism. Also, it is at our nations institutions of higher learning that students are exposed to other schools of thought and other cultures. Again, this usually leads to a liberal mindset.
Nazi's used propaganda and the media to obtain and retain power. 89% of Journalists in America admit that they prefer to vote for Liberals. Are you talking about the same media that never questions the president, is overwhelmingly owned by conservatives, and outed Valarie Plame? That "liberal" media?
Nazi's over-regulated businesses until they simply took them over. Liberals in America have suffocated large and small businesses alike under a mountain of regulations and lawsuits. Large corporations are much more likely to file lawsuits, be rewarded large settlements, and to have their suits dismissed as "frivolous". But, maybe you have a point. People like Ken Lay shouldn't be held accountable to the government. It is his right to manipulate the market and defraud investors all he wants, right?
Nazi's utilized slave labor in most facets of their economy. Liberals in America have established and maintained a dependent poverty class. Meanwhile, conservatives constantly fight increases in minimum wage, deny basics like health care, take overtime away from working Americans, and oppose the idea of a living wage.
Nazi's used abortion whenever it suited their desires. Liberals in America insist upon abortion on demand, at any time and for any reason. If conservatives in congress wanted abortion to be illegal, they could pass it. They need abortion because it is one of the most basic fringe issues that keeps the radical fundamentalists voting. Do you realize that under Bush, the number of abortions has gone up?
Nazi's persecuted everyone who disagreed with them. Liberals in America cannot debate issues logically, so they persecute those who disagree with them. I guess that is why I have been called a traitor, a coward, an America-hater, and a godless communist because I disagreed with Bush. It must have been those liberals who keyed my car and broke my grille. They must have been offended by my Kerry/Edwards sticker.
Nazi's strove to set up a state religion, and jailed religious leaders who would not comply. Liberals in America ridicule and expunge to the best of their ability all things religious, yet speak from the pulpit in churches where compliant ministers submit to their morally vacant ideas. Show me one example, just one, of liberals trying to set up a state religion. Seriously. I would love to see it. And, by the way, do you know why liberals ridicule religious figures who preach politics? Because it is illegal to do so. Its considered tax fraud.
Nazi's replaced the Bible with Mien Kampf. Liberals in America took Bibles out of the classroom long ago — about the same time that drug use, teen pregnancies, violent crime and sexually transmitted diseases started to skyrocket — and SAT scores plummeted. First, we have no interest in banning the Bible. And if you want to teach the Bible, you can do so as soon as you start teaching Islam. And I want you to treat them both as literal fact. Teen pregnancy, violent crime and STDs have always been at about the same level. They just weren't seen or discussed in the fifties. Of course, your SAT scores argument is valid. I got a lousy score on mine because, thanks to liberal policies, I didn't know enough about Noah and Abraham. My SAT score was 398 Old Testament, 457 New Testament. Not good...
Nazi's killed 6 million people in concentration camps. Liberals in America are responsible for 38 million deaths since Roe v. Wade. At the same time, they have allowed 38 million immigrants to enter the United States. So, your point is, it all balances out? Please. Spare me your bullshit rhetoric about the plight of the unborn. If you really gave a fuck about the unborn, you would try to help them once they are born.
Nazi's wanted to exterminate all of the Jews. Liberals in America who speak of Yasser Arafat as Israel's "partner in peace" know that Mr. Arafat has a map of Palestine in his office with Israel's borders erased. Conservatives in the South want to exterminate all of the Blacks, Hispanics, and Catholics.
Nazi's did not care that many of the Jews they wanted to exterminate were also German citizens. Liberals in America drove tanks over our roads and killed our men, women and children in Waco, Texas. Who would have thought that a standoff with the Federal Government would end so badly? And, maybe I am wrong, but weren't those people going to kill themselves anyway?
Nazi's confiscated all private property that they could lay their hands on. Liberals in America confiscate huge parcels of land every year under the guise of environmental necessity, and have limited the uses of private property for the same reason. I guess your alternative would be to privatize National Parks, as the Bush administration intends to do. "Welcome to Wal-Mart, formerly Yellowstone National Park. If you want to see Old Faithful, we have a neat display by the tiles were it used to be. Its in the toy section, aisle 3."
Nazi's required all young people to "volunteer" in the Hitler Youth. Liberals in America have established AmeriCorps, where "volunteers" are paid; they also require school children to perform "volunteer" work before they can receive their diploma. No one is required to volunteer in AmeriCorps. And, somehow I received a High School diploma without having to fulfill one volunteer requirement, seeing as there were none. Although, one of my friends did have to do volunteer work in order to graduate. He went to a private Catholic School.
Nazi's tolerated homosexuals and other sexual deviants who swore allegiance to Hitler. Liberals in America tolerate every morally bankrupt sexual persuasion on the face of the earth — as long as they vote for Liberals. Meanwhile, Conservatives today won't even tolerate homosexuals who vote for Bush. So, I guess, in a way, Conservatives of today are worse than Nazis. Is that what you were trying to argue here?
Nazi's obeyed every order from Hitler, believing he could never be wrong. Liberals in America do not believe in the concept of right and wrong — only what "feels" good to each person. Aren't conservatives the one with the mantra "My president, right or wrong"?
Nazi's practiced such outrageous deficit spending that it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread at the end of the war. Apparently, deficits don't matter when you are at war. This is, of course, according to conservatives when they are forced to comment on Bush's half-a-trillion dollar a year deficit.
Nazi's practiced such outrageous deficit spending that it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread at the end of the war. Wait until 2008, when you want to buy a gallon of gas.
Liberals in America have spent \\$6 trillion on unconstitutional social programs since FDR — and America just happens to be \\$6 trillion in debt. Wow. You got me there. $6 trillion over seventy years. Jeeze. That is almost 1/6 of the rate that Bush piles on debt.
Nazi's would often beat up and expel party members who disagreed with the leadership. Liberals have virtually taken over one political party in America by demoting, persecuting and alienating all but the most Liberal members. Now, I am not saying that you guys are Nazis or anything, but maybe you should talk to Jack Ryan of IL or former Senate Leader Trent Lott. If I remember right, It was Republicans who took those people down.
Nazi's erected a huge and cumbersome national health care system. Liberals in America have repeatedly proposed national health care bureaucracies with organization charts that look like the schematic diagram for an Intel computer chip. So, in response, you guys offer no plan at all. Interesting strategy.
Nazi's kept records on everyone. Liberals in America have illegally kept over a thousand FBI files — and hundreds of thousands of other records — on private citizens. I heard about that. The Nazis also passed laws making it legal to tap any phone for any reason, to search private property just on a hunch, and to detain people indefinitely without charging them. Or... wait... No, my bad. That was Bush and Ashcroft. Whoops.
Nazi's would re-write any law to suit their smallest whim. Liberals in America, particularly Liberal judges, change the U.S. Constitution at will by "finding penumbras", and ignore those who insist that such changes require an amendment. Meanwhile, people like Rush "I've been divorced three times" Limbaugh want a law that will "protect the sanctity of marriage", and Bush supporter Britney Spears gets married in Vegas for, what, three hours?
Nazi's set national educational standards to ensure that everyone absorbed the requisite amount of propaganda. Liberals in America fight home schooling with a vengeance and continue to push for national education standards. The Bush administration passes No Child Left Behind and raises education standards, but then fails to offer any funding to see that this program is enforced. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that Bush, while Governor of Texas, had schools that encouraged poor-performing students to drop out so that his education numbers look better. This is a man who sees no moral dilemma when it comes to executing the retarded.
Nazi's confiscated all guns in Germany under the guise of protecting the citizenry. Liberals in America are using the Nazi model to implement gun control in the United States. Wyatt Earp, famed lawmaker of the Old West, kept the peace in Dodge City by implementing and enforcing gun control. Was he a Nazi too?
Nazi's required everyone to specify the amount of Jewish blood in their heritage before they could obtain identity papers. Liberals in America require everyone to specify their ethnic heritage on census forms, or pay a substantial fine. The census? Please. That is probably your most pathetic argument, and that is saying a lot. You could have at least mentioned Affirmative Action or Equal Opportunity. Those forms were created in response to rampant racism among conservatives, and you do not have to fill them out. Its optional.
Nazi's referred to their political philosophy as The New Order. Liberals in America refer to their political philosophy as The New World Order. Conservatives refer to their political philosophy as The Project For A New American Century.
Nazi's thought that the Third Reich would last for a thousand years. Liberals in America think that Socialism will rule the world forever, even though it has failed each and every time it has been tried. And conservatives are actually stupid enough to believe in an "invisible hand" that guides the markets and keeps things in check. But,in reality, the "invisible hand" is attached to people like the Waltons, who are crushing competition, destroying small businesses, and sticking the "invisible hand" right up the country's proverbial ass.