Liked your quote and comments, but to convince others, i think
one must keep in mind the idea that jesus superceeded the whole OT.
Also, in the NT, the words of disciples are not as core as the words of Jesus.
Also, even those are said to have been deleted and added to over the centuries.
To persuade, one has to revert to only jesus's words that scholars agree are in the group not added to, for modification, by clerics.... over the centuries.
I am not sure which fall into this group {a book on such is not online.. written by THE JESUS PROJECT i think .The project is a group of scholars.}, but i have a favorite quote for fundies:
"sell all and give the money to the poor"
said Jesus, in Luke 18:22 and twice again in the synoptic books.
Holy poverty seems to be Jesus's ideal for the economy.
Dems favor kindness: prosperity for all. Repubs favor cruelty : gobble-top, starve-bottom.
So Dems are closer to the kindness of jesus than Repubs are. Repubs kill 84,000/yr these days, thru homelessness.. they die at three times the normal rate, and 3 million are involved each year.
No one in the media has mentioned this total of deaths, as far as i know. Christian nation?
Bush's proposed fed Budget for merely the next year, will toss another 2 million out to live on a piece of sidewalk. Upping deaths by 66%.{by 300%, if they are all homeless at any one time, not spread out over the year with "churning"... the phenomena of some rising out of homelessness, and others falling in. The SF Chronicle article was unclear which way to interpret it.}
And, he has three additional years of cuts beyond that. Bush also plans cuts in food stamps, adding a million to the 12 million hungry in this Christian nation. National wealth is 105 Trillion.
Fed budget is 2.4 Trillion, IIRC.
http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/current/accessible/l5.htmsee bottom line.
Fundies tend to have a religion based on the OT, on Moses. Mosesity would be good term for their odd RW religion , as they ignore much of Jesus's words.
Republicans are opposite to Jesus in how they treat the poor: not "give them money", but kill them off.