A few months ago I found this scary article. I couldn't find untill now:
It's all about Israel!
http://www.strike-the-root.com/4/johnson/johnson1.htmlSuperstitious Christians, such as Pat Robertson, accept the Hebrew Bible as the word of God, just as certainly as Halliburton overcharges US taxpayers. Wanting to please the Judeo-Christian God, Robertson believes the borders of Israel should be extended to borders dating back to 950 BC! He wrote an article about this, the title of which sums up Robertson’s neoconservative outlook on Israel --The Land of Israel: A Gift From God.
Based on Robertson’s ideas, American youth, and the youth of any country that is foolish enough to be sucked into taking part in these neocon wars, better be prepared for much more sacrifice and dying. The borders of Israel in 950 BC, as Robertson states, “go all the way up north to the Euphrates River which encompasses the better part of modern-day Syria . Solomon's empire went up to the Euphrates River . And Tyre and Sidon and Megiddo . And they had the Via Maris which went from Damascus all the way down to Cairo . It went as far as the area down in Gaza ." America ’s military really has a full agenda!And yes they are planning on attacking Eygpt.....and Saudis