I find some of our right-wing friends ravings to be highly entertaining, I hope some will join me in posting some of their best.
Here’s one from Crisis Pictures, enjoy:
chas norman Says: June 30th, 2005 at 12:56 am You know I read this French crap all the time, and I am so sick of this. Its for oil Bullshit. My father was a Command Sgt Major. He spent two tours in Vietnam and got wounded twice. The world talked about us when we went there like we were after something. What did Vietnam have other than an empoveriched country,We didn,t need anything they had. We don,t need Iraqian oil. We have Saudi Arabia. We have more natural resourses than any other country in the world. We went in to Vietnam to keep the north from envading. And before we got there the FRENCH were trying to occupy that country. In World War Two France layed down with the Nazi,s and deported over a million jews to consintration camps. In the genocide in Rawanda, who were supplying the hutu,s with weapons, the “French” and over one million Tutsies were murdered and the rest fled to the Congo, and so did the Hutu militia when the rebs came in and chased them out. Watch Hotel Rwanda and you will see what the French did.Then you French have the nerve to talk about Bush. Do you know who elected Bush no yhou don,t. I will tell you 67% of the republican vote came from the christian right. They don,t believe in murder but they don,t believe in tyrants either. We went in to Iraq to free people not to destroy the country. The insurgents are destroying the economy and the infastructure of the country. We are there to stop them. Maybe there were not any wmds, who cares. Women couldn,t go to school, men could speak out on oppression. The oil for food for the country was supplying Saddam with palaces and arms. You might blame the US for going in there and trying to help the people and getting the place torn up but we are not the ones that are blowing it up. Very few Americans will get in a car with tnt and blow them selves up. And another thing Bush is a Methodist. Maybe you should look this word up and see what he stands for. You need to stop listening to that crap your government is telling you and do some research before you go on this site and make accusations you can,t prove and heard on tv. I am a Republican precinct Committman and if that is what Bush stood for, I wouldn,t have been out busting my but to get him elected. One of the pics on this site is of a boy that lived with me and he got killed driving a humvee that was blown up by a car bomb. Believe me when I say it wasn,t an American in that car. Christians don,t commit suside. And please don,t try to tell me that my 20 year old friend wanted his oil. He went there to help free the Iraqians and help children not kill them. Bush is not on the ground with a gun and with car bombs trying to blow these people up. Absurd, he acually cares for these people and is trying to free them. One thing that will always happen in war “People Dy”. One thing France better never ask for help by the American people becuase they might find their selves out in the cold or worse, at war with us. People in the United States arn,t real happy with France right now and it seems to be getting worse not better. Watch the news, read websites, and go to your politicians and find out what is really going on before you write bull in here. Thanks And God Bless, Chas