Edited on Mon Dec-06-04 08:41 PM by Petrodollar Warfare
...but first, I shall address the 3 issues that have fundamentally changed the global dynamic since that 1987 book:
1) Collapse of the Soviet Union = the collapse of the need for the U.S. military umbrella and a unilateral world
2) Rapidily approaching geological phenomenon referred to as global Peak Oil = urgent need for energy conservation within the gluttoness USA. Of course in the land of the the SUV, GWB stated "We need an energy policy that encourages consumption." :-(
3) Emergence of the EU, and most importantly, the first monetary alternative to the dollar in the form of the euro currency (released Jan 1, 1999)
The two factors that will create the "great unwinding?" (borrowing the term from Richard Duncan's book, 'The Dollar Crisis')
First, the day of reckoning will likely occur when - not if - several oil-producers in OPEC (or the largest non-OPEC exporter - Russia) begin to *price* and require *payment* fpr their oil exports in the euro due to unacceptable losses from a devalued dollar. BTW, this is Iran's current trajectory... My guess is the "tipping point" will probably somewhere between 1.40 to 1.50 euros to 1.00 dollars (ie. 2005-2006 is not likely to be a good year for the dollar.)
Secondly, the other potential "tipping point" would be due to geopolitical tensions created by neoconservative doctine that states the US seeks to be the global hegemon and prevent ANY country from "even aspiring" to a larger global role (ie. economically or militarily). Neither the EU, China, and to a lessor degree, India, are keen on neoconservative doctrine of US global domination. As evident in the Iraq debacle, they are not amused by Bush Doctrine of "preventative warfare." So, while Regan was many things, he not an overt, militant, global imperialist - at least not relative to Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Cheney and their spokeperson - GWB.
Those three above issues did not exist in 1987, but IMO, the most dynamic element in the global monetary system is the euro, and specifically the emergence of a broad-"petroeuro"based system for international oil trades. In fact, I spent a year writing a book on that very subject...stay tuned for the spring of 2005 if you're interested in these arcane subjects. I hope my 2cts of opinion helps...