Once is an accident, twice is a pattern. With
Tad DeHaven scamming CBS, and now
Sandy Jaques doing the same thing to the NY Times, I believe we need to do what we can to put a stop to this shit. Hence my email to the NY Times editors:
In a 12/14/04 news article, "Most G.O.P. Plans to Remake Social Security Involve Deep Cuts to Tomorrow's Retirees" by Edmund Andrews, your paper failed to disclose a very important fact concerning Sandy Jaques, the "single mother" that Bush brought out to talk about Social Security privatization. It seems that Ms Jaques is not as your article portrayed her as - simply a single mother from Iowa.
Given how CBS was humiliated recently regarding their recent evening news segment called "Social Security Changes" that featured an interview with Tad DeHaven, a "young man who could be the poster child for Social Security reform," I'm surprised that you would allow yourselves to be taken by the same scam. Seems Mr DeHaven currently works for the National Taxpayers Union - a huge supporter of Social Security privatization. In addition, he has worked for the Heritage Foundation in 1998 and for Cato from 2001-2004 - both big supporters of Social Security privatization.
As for Sandry Jaques, she is a director of the Iowa chapter of FreedomWorks, part of Citizens for a Sound Economy. Before joining FreedomWorks this year, she served as the Midwest Regional Director of For Our Grandchildren, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public about the need for Social Security reform. In her new role with Iowa FreedomWorks, she organizes statewide grassroots support for PRAs.
She also directs the Midwest Public Affairs Consortium's grassroots public affairs and event planning and is also involved in association management and government affairs consulting. In 2001, she accepted a position in government relations for the Greater Des Moines Partnership, Iowa’s largest chamber organization, where she organized their annual lobbying trip to Washington D.C. and other government relations activities. Last year, she was recruited to lead a Social Security reform organization in Iowa through which she has managed a full range of activity, including a series of Town Hall Meetings, earned media, activist recruitment and training, and fundraising.
The public expects better from its news organizations, and for many years now public trust has been abused. I would think that a nice expose of the Social Security privatization effort, shining the light of truth on these hucksters, would be more worthy of the New York Times.
Thank you for your attention. We are reading...and we are watching...