Recent sales figures from the nation's largest retailers underscore the growing gap between the haves and the have-nots.
Wal-Mart missed its November sales numbers, posting a meager seven-tenths-of-a-percent gain over November, 2003. The company had expected 3 to 4 percent sales growth. City saw a 3 percent decline in sales last month, and K-Mart's sales are likely to drop 10 percent.
"You have wealthy consumers spending in unprecedented proportions and the cash and credit starved consumers are suffering," says retail analyst Burt Fleckinger of the Strategic Resource Group.
At least one of the whore news outlets picked this story up, it's what I have been saying for months. The largest portion of the consumer market has been choked off. With that comes the choking off of the money pump up to the middle class and thence to the rich.
This is going to greatly increase unemployment at the first of the year. Hold onto your hats, folks, the service economy is about to collapse as people spend less and less on the things they can do for themselves. This is going to have a massive ripple effect, and the Bush junta won't have a clue what to do about it. Expect more tax cuts for the hoarders as their only solution.