Is Bush thinking about what is best for ALL 295 million Americans, or just the 25,000 top contributors who put him there?
If Bush and the GOP were thinking of how to provide the best standard of living for ALL 295 million Americans, I doubt they would allow US corporations to replace millions of American workers with workers in other countries.
It seems the GOP "plan" is to bring the standard of living of the average American down to the average standard of living of the other 6.1 Billion people on the planet.
This country is headed straight to the time of Dickens, or even to before the French Revolution, where people were lucky to earn enough to keep from starving to death.
The fact is that there are plenty of people among the other 6,118 million people on the planet to replace 99% of ALL American workers and pay them 5% of what Americans now earn. a taste of what happens when the Rich pay no taxes, and the top 1% have 99% of the wealth, watch this week's French Revolution episode on the History Channel.
Millions of American factory workers are now working for minimum wage and 10's of thousands of American engineers are either unemployeed, or working for 1/2 of what they used to make.
What has this out-sourcing of American jobs done to the US tax base? Does a $410 billion deficit and a US debt that has gone up $1.8 Trillion since Bush took over to $7.4 Trillion give you any idea?