Anyway the point I was trying to make (and as I re-read my thread I missed) is that while the US represented HALF of the world economy in 1945, the US Share of the GNP today is less than the Euro Zone and less than the emerging Asia Tiger Zone (Japan. China, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore Indonesia etc).
By 1999 the US share of the World's GDP was only 20.8%, with the Euro Zone at 20.2 %, Japan at 8% and the rest of the world at 51% (Almost the same number the US had in 1945). Since that time the Euro Zone and China had expanded its percentage of world wealth while the US and Japan's shares had decline.
Simply put the US is NOT the dominate Country the US was in 1945. What the US could get away with in 1945, the US can NOT even think doing today. Anyway you are looking at three regions with about the same percentage of World Wealth (The US, The Euro Zone and the Asian Tigers) These three areas represent about 20% each of world wide GNP. That leaves less than 40 for the rest of the World (Eastern Europe, Russia, OPEC, non-OPEC Muslims countries, Africa, Central and South America). This decline in the relative strength of the US compared to Europe and the rest of the world is cause of the US problems. The US is still acting like the US had over half of the world's GNP and even if the rest of the world would gain up on the US the US could still defeat them. While that was true in 1945 it has not been true since Vietnam and differently not true today.
Today the US can NOT survive without support from the rest of the world. The Euro Zone (20% of the world GNP) has NOT helped America, Japan and the Asian Tigers have help (By buying US debt instruments).
OPEC has helped by keeping the oil flowing.
The problem facing the US is what will happen when one of the Asian Tigers decide it has more to lose do to an American Meltdown than internal problems? Once this starts on one Country it can spread rapidly. Europe has no reason to stop it, the US can not (where would Bush get the Money?) and unlike 1945 the US can be overwhelmed by the rest of the world (In fact can be overwhelmed even if the Euro Zone stays Neutral given it alleged limited holdings of Dollars).
That was the point of my rant, the Dollar can not be defended if the Asian Tigers decide (or are force to by the Market) to abandon buying Dollars. If OPEC is also to abandon the Dollar by the same market forces that will force the Asian Tigers (The most Likely scenario) the drop may be done in days (if not a day).
For information on 1999 World Wide GNP Percentages, if you have a better site please feel free to post:'US%20Share%20of%20WORLD%20GDP'