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The IWW's First 100 Years

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paineinthearse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 04:19 PM
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The IWW's First 100 Years -> projects -> centenary -> The IWW's First 100 Years

List of Centenary Events (check regularly for updates)

February 17th 2005; Boston area - A Blast From the Past: 100 Years of the Industrial Workers of the World 4 pm - 6 pm Paul Buhle, Senior Lecturer, Brown University and Author Wobblies! A Graphic History Alexis Buss, General Secretary Treasurer, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Location TBA. For Further information call (617)495-9265.

October 2004-February 2005; Chicago, Illinois - Outspoken: Chicago's Free Speech Tradition at the Newberry Library in Chicago. This exhibit on free speech will have some Wobbly content. Details available through the link above.

February 18-20, 2005; Seattle, WA - The Pacific Northwest Labor History Association, RiseUp! Productions and the Seattle Labor Chorus have teamed up to present an exciting celebration of workers. culture. A Festival of Workers. Culture will be held at the Seattle Labor Temple. This Festival of labor music, art, poetry and theatre will highlight the 100th anniversary of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Details available through the link above.

May 6-7, 2005; New Brunswick, NJ - Conference on the IWW, Sponsored by the New Jersey May Day Committee in cooperation with Spirit of the Arts Foundation and Botto House/American Labor Museum. Details available through the link above.

May 14, 2005; Albany, New York - James Connolly celebration. This event will focus on James. Connolly's life and contribution to the IWW and the international labor movement. Contact Timmy Walsh for more information: 215-222-1905;

June 10-12, 2005; Vancouver, British Columbia - Pacific Northwest Labor History Association 2005 Conference. This conference will focus on the IWW. Simon Fraser University, Harbour Centre campus in downtown Vancouver. For more information go to .

June 24-July 3rd, 2005; Chicago, Illinois - Centenary Week! Come to Chicago to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the IWW's founding. Check in regularly for more information or contact the Centenary Coordinator.

September 15-17, 2005; University of Missouri, Kansas City - Conference on Radical Economics in the 20th Century: Radical Economics and the Labor Movement. Will be held at the Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering, and Technology.

October 21-23, 2005; Wayne State University, Detroit Michigan - North American Labor History Conference. This conference will focus on the IWW's first 100 years. Check back for more information or contact the Centenary Coordinator.

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. If you ever find a copy of "SOLIDARITY" in a bookshop
grab it. It's an oral history of the IWW in the early part of the twentieth century, told by the people who lived it. It's a gas.

That knowledge needs to be passed around. I have a horrible feeling it's about to come in handy again.
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