...by becoming the only game in town and tapping into that 6.25% themselves and becoming the biggest game in town.
The following 'orthodox' doctrine is featured on the CBN religious right web site...
A Plan to Guarantee Benefits to Future Generations
(Begin with the fear mongering)
Social Security is going bankrupt. We can either endlessly borrow more money to keep the program going, raise FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) 20 percentage points if we are going to use taxes to make it solvent, or cut benefits 40 percent, or grow the rate of return coming into Social Security. The best way to do that is to give individuals ownership over their own retirement accounts by establishing personal retirement accounts.
('Frame' the narrative, so that disenfranchisement becomes 'ownership')
PAT ROBERTSON: The president is into that, with that ownership society. He's on board for this program, isn't he?
(Call for the downsizing of other government programs...no mention here is made of those trillion dollar tax cuts for the 'have mores' as Bush called his 'base'...this is an example of the selective presentation of information)
During Bill Clinton's presidency, he grew the government at an average annual rate of 2.6 percent. So grow government at a percentage point faster than Clinton grew it, and at a percentage point slower than we are growing it, and use those savings largely to transition over to a solvent Social Security System. What I am trying to do is two things -- build a constituency for containing the growth of federal government.
(Here we have an example of more fear mongering, combined with disinformation spread by ignoring the inconvenient facts revealed by economists as we shall see)
Look at what the trustees are saying, the Alan Greenspans are saying. Social Security is going bankrupt. The sooner we act, the better it is. The more we procrastinate, the uglier the options are. We want to get the country educated as to the consequences of not acting and the benefits of reform. <more>