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Bush asks for $82B extra,most of it for Pentagon(war total now past $300B)

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-15-05 10:39 AM
Original message
Bush asks for $82B extra,most of it for Pentagon(war total now past $300B)
In a controversial move, a large portion of the funding for the troop increase will be paid out of supplemental funding in 2005 and 2006. The Pentagon will move those costs into its regular budget in 2007

Bush asks for $82B extra,most of it for Pentagon(war total now past $300B)

By Dave Moniz, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The White House asked Congress for $82 billion in special spending Monday, almost $75 billion of which would go to the Pentagon to help pay for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, fix broken equipment and increase the size of the Army in 2005.<snip>

In a controversial move, a large portion of the funding for the troop increase will be paid out of supplemental funding in 2005 and 2006. The Pentagon will move those costs into its regular budget in 2007. It has been criticized for putting the expenditure in supplemental requests, which are normally reserved for unanticipated war costs. The Bush administration unveiled its regular fiscal 2006 defense budget last week, seeking $419.3 billion.

The White House's new $75 billion request, coupled with $25 billion in supplemental funding Congress approved last year for Iraq and Afghanistan, would bring total 2005 spending for the two wars to about $100 billion.<snip>

Spratt (D-S.C) criticized the Bush administration for including costs in the supplemental spending request that he said should have been included in the regular budget, including the $5 billion to create the new Army brigades.

"This is not a good precedent," Spratt said.

"These supplementals understate our military spending and make it look smaller," he said.

$36.3 billion for combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
$5.7 billion for training Iraqi security forces
$3.3 billion for armoring vehicles and other "force protection"
$1.3 billion for training Afghan security forces
$950 million for tsunami aid
$780 million for international peacekeeping in Haiti and other nations
$658 million for a new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad
$400 million for allies in the war on terrorism and in Iraq and Afghanistan
$242 million for refugee aid in Sudan/Darfur
$200 million for the Palestinians
$150 million for Pakistan

Sources: The White House and Pentagon
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cliss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-15-05 11:04 AM
Response to Original message
1. Congress to Bush:
We don't have it. We don't have the money.

That's the problem with these extra appropriations bills: they are borrowing out of thin air. The entire war in Iraq and Afghanistan have been waged through borrowed money.

We have been posting here at the DU to "Get us out of Iraq". All Congress has to do is stop funding this madness, and we WILL get out.
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-15-05 11:11 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. We said the same thing in the 60's - but nobody will be "unpatriotic" and
not fund our boys in harms way.......

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GOPBasher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-15-05 11:59 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. You absolutely hit the nail right on the head.
We *HAVE* been funding these operations solely with borrowed money -- borrowed from our children, that is. They'll have to pay it all back with interest. And no one in this country seems to care.
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