I think you mean IMF. Which is the International Monetary Fund. They did issue a paper last Friday concerning the value of the dollar. I'm not sure they talked about countries interveneing in the markets to prop the dollar. Perhaps they did. On this topic there is one big dog, Japan. Japan has purchased $98 billion in dollars on the foreign exchange markets this year. (I'll hedge that and say I think this calander year. Perhaps over the last 12 months. Whatever. It is huge)
The big story here came Sunday. The G-7, which is the Group of Seven, the largest world economies, had a meeting. At the end of the meeting they said it would be best to let the currency markets act on their own, without Japaneese style intervention.
This is a huge thing. The IMF has little influence in these things. The G 7 represents the governments of these countries and anything they agree upon and make a public statement about reflects a poltical reality. With this statement they are making a public admission of the aburdity of the situation that now exists. The US is running gigantic trade and budet deficits. Under any other circumstance this would be death to a nations currency. Routinely the US has heaped scorn upon any nation which has similar trade and budget inbalances. It has not panned out that way for the dollar for all sorts of reasons having ultimately to do with politics and power, and the fact that we run the game. That being the worlds financial system thru Wall St.
I will stress again. This is a gigantic deal. Possibly momentous.
Here is a link to this topic. Ignore that the source is Wall St. The author is a heretic. How he keeps his job I cannot say. He does not hew to the party line.