Yeah, it's kind of lonely...because we pay attention to immigration issues (due to labor arbitrage) we get caught right in the middle...
on many lists there clearly are some "wackos" out there who are racists
and then of course disagree with some of the conservative Republican positions. Yet on the Democrat side, we just see multinational corporate agenda....
so it's tough for neither party is addressing that issue sanely as well as many Democrats are truly corpocrats and giving multinationals what they want.
Anyway, I believe the reason you see apathy is because anything to do with trade, economics, budget deficits, labor economics and so forth requires a lot of reading, really some econ 101/102 concepts down pat and I think Americans believe all of this is boring as hell.
I blame the school eyes glazed over too in high school...but fortunately I got the good stuff in college and realized all of this was fascinating...but so many are turned off to anything that has "numbers" or math in it...they just zone out!
So, with that I tried: I think maybe an approach is to explain why CAFTA is bad news as succinctly and clearly as possible and assume nothing in terms of awareness.
I think I get too complex sometimes and think everyone just sees what I see, when they do not have the background to 'get it' fast.