we live in northeast pa. We bought a home a year ago, perhaps at the most critical time for us. If we had not purchased at that time, and our home was for sale today, we would not be able to afford it. I had posted on another thread...here, we have a large influx of city folks who are buying homes for asking price if not a bidding war. The people from this area who work and try to live here, are facing a difficult task in finding a home. Also, recent crimes in some areas have driven lots of people to move out of the city to more rural areas, with the same...buying at asking if not more just to get the home. The bubble may burst, but I feel that there will be a good market here for a while. Perhaps the prices won't continue to soar, but the homes will sell. I know people trying to find homes, with decent jobs, and they have basically been squeezed out of the market. A year ago, we were happy to buy this home, BUT the gas prices are killing us, and every utility, and the groceries have gone up. We are living on a lot less in just one year's time. I'm so disgusted. I was thinking of going back to work and putting baby in day care...and figured out on the typical wages paid here, if I'm lucky to land something that would work for me, a six hour work day (I have another son in school), after paying daycare, taxes, and gasoline...driving all over the place, I would make $15.00 a day for a six hour work day, and the daycare would make $20.00. Isn't that insane? I think everything is out of whack...and I thought maybe I...people can do something about it...but the more I learn, the more depressing it is. Middle class america is doomed...someone please chnage my mind!