Why did the media not notice that the budget office predicted the deficit would remain above $300 billon a year through 2010 and then, if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire , perhaps drop to only $100 billion per year from 2012 to 2016?
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-budget16aug16,0,6766667.story?track=tottextTHE NATION
Budget Outlook Is Heartened by Tax Windfall
The deficit remains significant, but the GOP says the forecast proves Bush is on the right course. One analyst sees 'a lot of dark clouds.'
By Joel Havemann
Times Staff Writer
August 16, 2005
WASHINGTON — A windfall of tax revenue, especially from corporations, has substantially brightened the short-term budget outlook, but beyond this year the deficit is still an unsolved problem, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday.
For fiscal year 2005, the budget office forecast a $331-billion deficit, in line with the Bush administration's estimate issued in July. That compares with the $364-billion deficit the budget office forecast in March and the $412 billion the Bush administration estimated in February.<snip>
But Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the budget office's director, estimated that three-quarters of the revenue increases driving down the 2005 deficit were temporary in nature and not built into the economy.
James R. Horney, a budget expert at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, an independent fiscal policy organization in Washington, said the improving economy could not be responsible for the extra tax revenue because the budget office report did not show the economy gaining strength compared with its March forecast.<snip>
"The sun may be shining for now, but there are a lot of dark clouds on the horizon," said Brookings Institution budget analyst Isabel Sawhill. "The long-term budget picture is bad and getting worse."