Economy and FInancial systems must be separated in your mind. The economy is all us doing all the things we do, the financial system is the banksters and the ailing dollar and all things pegged to it.
The dollar has lost nearly 30 per cent since beginning of year. It will continue to drop, in fact, rapidly to lose a further 40+ per cent by spring.
Gold and silver will soar. They are artifically priced low to actualize the 'strong dollar policy'. Think about it. How did Rubin/Clinton create the strong dollar policy, that is, how is it implemented? Certainly not by 'talking' the dollar up or down, but rather by using the reserves (secretely) of most of the world's central banks to drive the price of gold down in dollar terms. This meant that when you checked the 'value' of the dollar, you were assured, because of the low dollar price of gold, that the dollar was 'strong' or sound. The PPT (plunge protection team) composed of the sec of treasury and the president have the discretion to activate the Exchange Stabilization Fund as well as the Presidential Working Group on Markets, which both participated in selling off the gold in the US (and other countries) vaults to suppress the price of gold in dollar terms such that the dollar was artifically kept high or strong in relative value.
Now they (the PPT/ESF/PWGOM) have run out of gold to sell, and the scam is coming to an end. Thus the price of gold is rising, and will rise extremely RAPIDLY to in excess of 900 by spring with an expecation of several thousands of dollars per ounce by 2004. As an aside, if one takes the total number of just the printed dollars in the world, leaving out all the digital dollars in banks, and divides this by the number of available ounces of gold in the world, then each ounce of gold to dollars SHOULD have a value of over 27,000 dollars. And this does not take the digital dollars into account.
The prices of food are rapidly rising at a commodity level. As is energy. Once the threshold is crossed (estimated in last 2 weeks of Nov 03) the real slide begins.
The professional economists don't know squat. The ones you need to listen to are the professional commodities traders...in any and all commodities. I am not talking about the ENRON types, but rather those who have their own money at risk. These people expect 600 dollar gold by end of Dec. And a further cratered dollar which will end the year under 84 on the basket index against other currencies.
Now note that the paranoid right-wing nut-jobs are very heavily into precious metals (gold, silver et al), and that most of the real damage of the collapse we are living through now, will be visited on the clueless middle class who will (like the germans in 1923 weimar republic) will be wiped out by the sudden appearance of hyper inflation.
The hyper inflation will result in mega dollars for anything, say 22 dollars per loaf of bread by May of next year. This will be followed by a just as sudden, wholesale abandonment of the dollar by every country on the planet including the US of A.
And that's all you really need to know. I can cite stats which show my point of view is valid, especially in a historical context relative to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank which is NOT a part of the Federal Govt, is in fact a private bank with the Queen and Prince Chucky holding most of the shares, and is not a bank in any sense of the word.
What you are living through is the transition to the post-dollar world. Get used to it. Get used to being poor if you do not have at least one ounce of gold for each person in your care for each year you have to provide for them.
And let us all note that while I do own gold/silver, I am not a gold-bug, and only bought it starting in 1998 with the LTCM bailout by the Fed.
If you want trends, and a serious source of info, then check out www.lemetropolecafe.com, and sign up for a free 2 week subscription.
After you have educated yourself to the scams and schemes that control your economic life, post other questions and we can start a discussion based on knowledge, not ignorance.
Also note that American schools do not teach anyone about money, wealth, or even how to balance a checkbook, let alone the hidden hands that move the world through the financial system.
FOR THE SHORT ANSWER OF WHAT IS COMING, one only need look to argentina.....