that we fail to make anything useful. Our best & brightest are attracted Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate instead of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
We want to get paid for 'owning' something rather than building or making something. Unfortunately, most of the FIRE industry is a pyramid scheme - always looking for a 'greater sucker' to buy at ever-increasing prices, without concurrent increases in productivity.
Modern Capitalism is an open loop wealth transfer from the poor to the rich. Modern Socialism is a poor solution, requiring protection, causing inefficiency, and requiring a strong (and easily corrupted) central planning / government.
More than anything else, this country needs to put everybody to work. Not by protecting industries, not by government spending, and not by artificial subsidies. This country needs to put everybody to work by eliminating every direct and indirect tax on working. This country needs to end the 'ownership society' by pushing those taxes onto ownership. We need to end corporate welfare. We need to build the infrastructure for the post fossil fuel / post automobile world.
If everyone is working, we'd WANT to be able to buy cheap goods from China and Mexico.