A good email from Carolyn Kay of "MakeThemAccountable.com". I'm not personally aquainted with Ms Kay, but I do admire her work. I'm passing it on in email and message boards today:
By David Podvin
Illegal immigration is a means by which corporations savage America’s working class. Although the media conglomerates have misrepresented the undocumented worker influx as primarily being a racial issue, it is actually an economic bludgeon. Business interests encourage illegal immigration for the purposes of depressing wages and subverting workplace safety laws. The Wall Street brokerage firm Bear Stearns uses the word “systematic” when describing the replacement of lower income American wage earners with illegal aliens, noting management prefers to employ help that is not documented because laborers who lack legal standing are more easily exploited.
Corporate concubine George W. Bush has assisted business by reducing border security while coddling companies that subject undocumented employees to inhumane conditions. Despite the recent election year charade that involved arresting a few managers at IFCO Systems, there has been a ninety percent drop in illegal immigration-related employer arrests since 2000. Employment laws that were occasionally enforced by Bill Clinton are almost never enforced by Bush.
Just as both major political parties support free trade agreements that place American workers into untenable competition against foreign slave labor, the bipartisan establishment also facilitates the illegal immigration that enables management to pay substandard wages. The stated positions of the parties differ greatly, but on mega-money issues involving war and commerce the Fortune 500 ultimately gets its way. Political posturing notwithstanding, many congressional Democrats and all congressional Republicans vote to provide business with the peonage it so cherishes…
Click here for more.
http://makethemaccountable.com/podvin/more/060423_TheRapeOfTheWorkingClass.htm Lots more really good stuff at MakeThemAccountable.com.
Carolyn Kay
Religious fundamentalists believe God gave us a brain, but doesn’t want us to use it. Political fundamentalists believe the founders endorsed free speech, but didn’t want us to practice it. Free market fundamentalists believe there should be no interference with markets, except by CEOs of gigantic corporations