---- You would think that, if nothing else, Americans would have been curious about how the Soviet Union dissolved without the firing of a shot. But noooooooo.
---- "Death by Debt" is very real, but in the case of the US, "murder by debt" might be a more apt phrasing. There are two parties to this nightmare,.... corporate domination of government,.. and the acquiescently-resourceful American consumer. The entire Bush administration has been the corporatist counter-attack on decades of democratically-inspired policies and programs,... a "Battle of the Bulge," if you will, against FDR's New Deal. The financial sector is desperate for cash,... that's the reason for the scam aimed at taking over Social Security. In their own perverted way, they're trying to "save" the currency system,..... but just not for everyone. Wealth creation based upon debt. That is the present state of the American economic legacy. We gave the world planes, trains and automobiles,... and now we're reduced to niggling over common loan-scams.
---- Another favorite analogy is that of the "company store" in early-20th century mining towns. The "new" feudalism,..... "you buy everything from us, and you stay in debt." And the onslaught of foreign products is not occurring without a respectable "mark-up" from any enabling US firm, have no fear.
---- I like this precious-metals adage: "The rich invest in gold,.. the poor invest in lead."
---- Economics always comes down to the basic necessities,... food, shelter, heat, medical etc. Stated in its simplest form, our problem is that not enough of our brainpower,.. our capacity for innovation.. has gone into taking care of necessities,.. and that means making them more accessible to the most people. We have let the wrong people make the important decisions. Profit is not the wisest measure of a healthy economy.