http://www.bea.gov/bea/newsrel/gdp303a.xlsFor those who do not follow the GNP revisions of the Bush "truth tellers", those 2.2% positive and 0.9% positive results for first quarter 2001 and second quarter 2001 (that's from memory as the DOC does not seem to have the old numbers on its site)are now (-)0.6%, then (-)1.6%, and then the only negative qtr in the old series - the 3rd qtr - is now said to have been (-)0.3.
It appears that numbers have been pushed around a bit so as to show a stalled GNP as Bush takes office, followed by overstatements of growth that are meant to create confidence that will build future growth - and when that does not happen, we get decreases the quarter following the big growth quarter.
The Number series (all seasonally adjusted - but with the adjustments for the seasons no longer the same from year to year!! - and I can not get the raw numbers at the moment - I wonder why) for 4 qtr 99 to 3rd qtr 03 are
7.1, 2.6, 4.8, 0.6, 1.1, -0.6, -1.6, -0.3, 2.7, 5.0, 1.3, 4.0, 1.4, 1.4, 3.3, and today's 3qtr 03 of 7.2%
The pattern is come into office and say there is no growth - yea verily, there is recession (and there was a downturn due to the Bush tax cuts for the rich and those projected deficits keeping long term rates higher they would otherwise have been given the Fed easy money policy and the economic slowdown itself pulling long term rates down in absolute terms) - all by pushing growth in numbers to the end of the year so as to get a 2.7% 4th qtr 01 and a 5.0% first qtr 02, then a crash to 1.3% as the fake numbers must be pulled back to reality plus something saved for the next quarter, followed by the good 4.0%, and then a crash and save for 2 qtrs by showing a fall to 1.4 and again a 1.4, then growth of 3.3 from military spending - with I assume a bit held back so as to give us the 7.2% growth but with continuing job losses for both 2nd and 3rd qtr.
Why does anyone believe this crap from Bush?
Well, back to reality - they are saying that 04 will be North of 4% GNP growth for the year (meaning a couple of million job gains - all based on the last 58,000 job gain month - a number that will of course zoom - well - not zoom to the Clinton 3 million new jobs per year average - but maybe 2 million so the current unemployment rate might drop a couple of tenths so that the Wall Street Journal can blast that the "trend" is wonderful). But in my world I am sticking to 04 between 3.25 and 3.5 --- and I expect I will be correct - but only after the revisions are made - assuming Bush and crew are still doing the stats.
Meanwhile the Labor Depart is not being as creative with the numbers - and it looks like rather than the 50% all jobs lost being jobs lost to permanent restructure - a problem we always need to address every year - the Bush job losses are above 80% permantent loss to restructure - meaning Bush tax breaks and broken regulations are moving US jobs overseas.
Christ - Bush could not plan and execute a 2 car funeral. And our media says nothing!