Move on wants more money for US needs- asking in an ad "If there's money for Iraq, why isn't there money for America?" At a time when schools are being closed, prescription drugs are unaffordable for many Americans, and even police and emergency first responders don't have the funding they need, the message clearly hits home. Meanwhile the GOP is on a run away train spending on “necessary” golfing programs for the kids of the GOP. Huge "omnibus" spending bill packed with pet projects for powerful lawmakers
By James Kuhnhenn and Chris AdamsKnight Ridder NewspapersWASHINGTON –
Congress (has inserted 9,300 “ear-marks” spending of $22 billion by some GOP person – one of which is)… $3 million this year to introduce more young Americans to the game of golf ("First Tee," a Florida-based nonprofit program, G. H.W. Bush honorary chairman). It wants to set aside $200,000 to subsidize a documentary movie about Kalahari Desert bushmen. It also wants to build a $50 million indoor rainforest in Iowa. Scattered throughout a massive $328 billion spending bill to pay for highways, health programs and scores of federal agencies are millions of dollars in spending for specific pet projects of influential lawmakers. The "omnibus" spending bill, which is set for a vote in the House of Representatives on Monday, also contains a collection of policies backed by President Bush that in some instances flatly contradict the wishes of House and Senate majorities, including provisions governing travel to Cuba and restricting media ownership concentration. The Senate, scheduled to convene Tuesday, is unlikely to take up the bill because Democrats don't plan to be there to vote on it. Critics say the bill represents a marked shift in how Congress exercises its constitutional power of the purse by changing or setting government policies without congressional review.
(decriminalization of marijuana: ) The legislation would cut $92,500 from the Washington Metro subway system as punishment for once accepting advertising that promoted the decriminalization of marijuana. It also would prohibit any transit systems that get federal money from displaying ads that promote legalization or the medical use of controlled substances.
(Policy: )…both the House and Senate voted to retain federal rules that limit the number of television stations owned by a single network, ….(but instead) include a compromise (that just covers Fox News’s violation) on the question. At the Bush administration's insistence, appropriators also removed language that would have eased restrictions on travel to Cuba - a provision that had won support in the House and Senate. The White House also forced appropriators to discard House language that would have blocked the administration from giving work currently performed by federal workers to private contractors. …