The administraion has been making nicey nice with the PRC of late. Going so far as to urge Taiwan to cut with the assertive independence talk.
You all recall of course the assumed China card is our assertiveness against them. While that is always a good play for the base, it is really bad for other reasons. With China, the realists not the neocon ideologs are in charge. Diplomacy rules the day!
Why you ask. Well read this article to see why. We need them. We need them to keep recycleing our dollars back here to fund our deficit. The whole thing is a crazy circle jerk but it works in the short term and so till November we don't want the boat to rock.
There are other reasons as well. In the grand game of global chess they will be a huge player and their relation to us, and ME oil is far from determined, much less thier role in global economics going forward. The most baisic rules of diplomacy demand prudence in relation to them, and damn the jingo right.
Anyway here is a look see into the global financial picture, mostly in relation to the dollar and economic growth, and China's place vis a vis the US.