Please give something to back up the assertion that Japan will stop their intervention.
Your missing the important stories which are appearing almost daily which will keep things going along as they are. China just bailed out a huge brokerage firm, probably using their excess dollars. Result, everyone comes out whole and the idea is reinforced that there is NO risk.
A bigger story is this. China will bail out 2 state owned banks with $45 BILLION dollars, again from their exchange reserves, to get this, clean up their books so they can go public with stock offerings. in Italy went belly up in a few days two weeks ago. Fruad and decit were endemic there to cover up mounting losses for several years. The government will bail them out.
The message again. There is no risk. Governments the world over will bail out every incometent and corrupt bussiness, as long as it is big enough. THe results are two. Further injections of liqidity into the financial markets particularly stocks. The further inflation of those assets begetting even more inflation in stocks.
Every 'crisis' since 95 has caused similar bailouts, liquidity injections, moral hazard increases and market melt ups. Again, there is NO objective way to see when this will end.
The dollar will bounce soon, without overt extraordinary measures. Count on it. Later perhaps direct intervention and suspension of inconvenient markets could happen. For the former I have no proof. The latter is also conjecture. Much like your $900 gold call.
As to the candidates, much less citizens. There is no possible response. The candidates have no clue.