Industry Blames Bush Administration for High Oil Prices
By Brad Foss The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. airline industry accused the Bush administration Thursday of recklessly driving up the cost of oil by purchasing unnecessarily large amounts of petroleum for the nation's strategic reserves at a time when prices are already high.
"The government is out buying fuel, it appears, without much regard for the impact that it is having on prices," said James C. May, the chief executive of the Air Transport Association, the industry's main lobbying group.
May, speaking to a group of reporters at the association's headquarters in Washington, said oil purchases made by the Energy Department were adding enough demand to the world marketplace to drive up the price of oil by more than $6 per barrel, a major concern for airlines since jet fuel is their second biggest expense after labor.
Industry analysts attribute the high price of oil to tight supplies, rising demand because of the improving economy and fears about international terrorism.
May does not oppose the policy of filling the reserve, but he said the government "needs to be a little more careful about how it goes about buying fuel on the open market."
AP-ES-01-08-04 1221EST