Contests O'Neill Quote on U.S. Tax Cuts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan disagrees with former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's claim in a controversial book that the Fed chief considered Bush administration tax cuts "irresponsible."
In the book by author Ron Suskind, Greenspan was quoted saying in May 2001 of the first Bush tax cuts that, without "triggers" to end them if deficits swelled, "that tax cut is irresponsible fiscal policy. Eventually, I think that will be the consensus view."
Greenspan denies saying so.
He told the Wall Street Journal, in a quote confirmed by the Fed on Thursday, "It's been rare over the many years of our friendship that Paul and I have a different recollection of events, but in this case we do." <snip>
At the time, there were still budget surpluses and Greenspan was concerned about how to deal with them, preferring it be done through tax decreases rather than more spending. <snip>,3604,1123443,00.htmlA rebel Republican
Sidney Blumenthal
Thursday January 15, 2004
The Guardian
One of the tacit operating assumptions of the Bush administration is that the checks and balances have been checked. But that implacable wall has been cracked by an insider's surprising confessions. The former treasury secretary Paul O'Neill, fired and forgotten, mild-mannered and grey, appears an unlikely dissident. He was, after all, the CEO of Alcoa, a pillar of the Republican establishment.
More is involved with him than pride and pique. While O'Neill records slights and is dismissed by some as a dotty reject, he does more than tell a few tales in the book The Price of Loyalty. The attack on him, consistent with Bush efforts to intimidate anyone who challenges the official version, underscores the inherent fragility of Bush's public persona, upon which rests his popularity. Bush's greatest political asset is his image as a masterful commander in chief who happens to be a nice man. Alongside him, Dick Cheney is viewed as the sagacious Nestor.
O'Neill's persuasiveness and the long-term damage he does to these icons comes from his years in the Nixon and Ford administrations and his first-hand critique of a government radically unlike any before, especially Republican ones. O'Neill's threat is to a president unusually dependent in an election campaign on fear and credibility to sustain a sense of power and inevitability. He sounds an alarm against an unfit president who lacks "credibility with his most senior officials", behind whom looms a dark "puppeteer", as O'Neill calls the vice-president, and a closed cabal.
Invading Iraq was on the agenda of the first "principals" meeting of the National Security Council (NSC), of which O'Neill was a member, months before September 11, and relentlessly pushed. Regressive tax cuts creating massive deficits were implemented without economic justification as "the administration has managed to kill the whys at every turn".
When the political team distorts basic economic numbers on tax cuts and inserts them into the 2001 state of the union address, O'Neill yells: "This is complete bullshit!" It is "something that knowledgeable people in the US government knew to be false". The business executive is shocked at the derogation of policy in favour of corporate interests - a "combination of confidentiality and influence by powerful interested parties". He learns that moderate Republicans like him; that Christie Whitman, the director of the Environmental Protection Agency, sees her efforts to affirm policy on global warming "slaughtered" by Cheney and the politicos; and that secretary of state Colin Powell "may have been there, in large part, as cover". <snip>