fighting for control over market forces.
Usually when the cabal scrapes up a bunch to put some shorts on gold and drive down the price, one of two things is happening, 1) either they know some more horrific econ news is coming, so the bash the price in anticipation, b) or the POG is gettng close to derivative based strike prices.
This latter will be defended extensively and until death by the bad guys in this market. They will bash, lie, cheat, steal, murder, and cause mass suffering to further their ends of staying in power.
Please note that when the buck finally lays down and dies later this year that ALL the politico's of both parties are suddenly UNEMPLOYED! Without the dollar and our slave lives being held hostage to it, there is no USofA under the present circumstances.
Think about it, what if the gov could not pay the troops? How long will they stay on task/country before we have rioting? Probably as long as it takes to learn their people back home are starving cause no money to lubricate social functions like shopping.
Further, look to the fierce battles in Argentina between the IMF/TPTB and the people who are tired of living their lives as slaves to support the dollar machine.
So do not expect this war to be bloodless. In fact, the real problem is the fear of the Cabalists/Fed Reserve banksters that with the break down of dollar, the inevitable break down I might add, comes social unrest that will lead to hangings in the street, and at the best, merely the Argentine habit of spitting and hitting politicians in public.
I agree. In Argentina 99 per cent of the population is NOT armed, unlike the USofA. If I was a Cabalist/Fed Bankster, I would really really be scared of the 'after-time' of the buck's death. Why? Well think about it, what sherrif/policeman/LEA will give a rat's ass about some banker getting shot when the cop's kids are starving because of what that bankster did?
Can anyone rememeber the chaos that last accompanied a paper currency collapse in the USofA? Think 1890s. Well, it led to riots, civil rights riots, deaths, murders, arson......you get the picture.
So this war is to defeat the evil money manipulators, and then to SURVIVE the aftermath and build up a new social contract without the bastards in charge.
The death of the dollar will precipitate much chaos and problems, but there is no life left in the dollar and all of AL G/Bushies pious hopes aside, the dollar has no more room to obtain debt, and that is the only function of paper money. So it is done. Used up, burnt out, c'est fini.
But it will take a few months for them to not be able to prop it up any longer. Then the shit will hit the fan. And the timing is good. Always better to have your social unrest/riots in the spring and summer.