I'm doing some work with
WakeUpWalmart.com and just wanted to share a diary that I saw up on Kos.
"Brainwrap" is reporting that when Wal-Mart released its statement about the tragic death of employee Jdimytai Damour, it started the release with saying that it would be releasing sales figures -- AS IF THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE WERE THINKING ABOUT.
One of their employees was just trampled and killed in one of the most horrific accidents in retail history, and Wal-Mart sends the message that, "We have sales figures coming out so no one worry - That death isn't going to move the numbers, it's OK."
Wal-Mart should be ashamed of itself. Not only did they not have adequate security, but they OPENED THE SAME STORE THE DAY OF THE DEATH. Shoppers could simply just walk around the cordoned-off police scene. It's the equivalent of stepping over a dead body on the sidewalk.
I've been disgusted by Wal-Mart's ugly business practices for years, but this takes it to a new level that is visible for every one to see. If you're as upset as I am, I urge you to join the good fight.