I agree, there's a lot of people dependent on the Big 3. Not just for those who work there, but the chain of suppliers who supply parts to them. If they go under, those other companies follow suit. Here's some of what I would do:
-End or reform the UAW. Unions are important, but these guys are only getting in the way. Either tell them to stop sucking up profits and making things more difficult or just get rid of them and put a new organization in its place.
-Cut CEO pay. I think it's fair that if the CEO is going to get this money, he should be willing to take a substantial pay cut. Send the extra back to the government.
-Set a series of goals for the Big 3 to reach. Not just in terms of MPG or features, but quality builds as well. Toyota and other foreign companies became successful because they were able to produce cars that didn't fail and lasted a very long time. Tell the Big 3 to cut the crappy features and start making quality cars. (such as no minor failures before 10000 miles and no major failures before 20000 miles) If Japan can do it, then so can the USA.
-Enact higher taxes if they become profitable again. If the Big 3 receive this bailout money, then they should foot a higher bill so that the $14 billion gets paid back quicker.